Tolfa Short Film Festival

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Sunday October 3, 16:00 - 700 times Dante curated by FanitudinƎ


On 3 October at 4 pm, at the Meeting Room of the Hotel San Giorgio, a representative space will take place on the theme “700 times Dante”, organized by the FanitudinƎ group, founded by Lidia Riviello (poetess and Rai’s author), Maria Flavia Del Curatolo (theater director) and Andrea Donato (screenwriter and TV graphic designer).

The event will feature screenings of original works, installations and Lecture Dantis. Specifically, the program includes the screening of the works "Trasumanar significar per verba..." by Emanuele Giglio (actor), “I quattro gesti della creazione (The four gestures of creation)" by Sonia Gentili (essayist and poet) and videos made by Yael Karavan (performer and dubbing actress), Sonia Gentili will also read some excerpts from her own original works and "Cartone inanimato: Questa Divina Commedia (Inanimate Cartoon: That Divine Comedy)" by Maria Pizzi (artist). There will also be a Lectura Dantis entitled "Dante and Piccarda (Paradiso - III Canto)" with Giacomo Trinci (poet and translator), who will also read some of his own original texts, and a theatrical performance entitled "Pia de' Tolomei" directed and played by Maria Flavia Del Curatolo (theater director). To accompany the evening also screened original videos made for the event, entitled "Dante va letto (Dante must be read)" by Fabio Giovanni Fontana, "Amor" by Carmela Vituzzi and "Dantedì. Illustrating Dante Alighieri ” by Luca Guerini. Admission is free while seats last. Obligatory to show the Green Pass at the entrance.